The Apple Shaped Body - High Cortisol/High Insulin Levels
An apple shaped body fat distribution is often caused by excessively high cortisol levels resulting in an increase in insulin and mid-section stubborn fat storage.

The top foods you should avoid if you are a APPLE SHAPE:
- Any food that triggers a food sensitivity response. Food sensitivities increase inflammation and cortisol production. Even so called "healthy" foods can cause problems for some individuals.
- Foods that contain artificial sweeteners, fructose sweeteners and HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). These ingredients can increase appetite and cravings for additional sweets.
- High sugar "health" foods that spike insulin and disrupt fat burning.
- High fat, high carbohydrate foods.
The top foods you should eat if you have a APPLE SHAPE:
- Foods that contain healthy amounts of fat, protein and fiber such as raw Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds.
- Fats that help increase leptin release, suppress appetite and lower insulin such as extra virgin olive oil and egg yolks.
- Foods that assist in lowering blood sugar including fenugreek seeds, chia seeds, oat bran and flaxseeds.
- Foods that improve insulin sensitivity including cinnamon, fish oil and blueberries.
- Foods that contain ursolic acid and EGCG such as Fuji apples.
- Foods that contain phosphatidylserine, which lowers cortisol, and it is packed with fiber to stabilize insulin.
- Foods that lower cortisol and blood pressure including dark chocolate (70% or higher) and whey protein.

Eating these foods is a great start. However, nutritionists have recently identified the #1 fat storing enzyme and the solution to your hormone related body fat problem.
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